And where is the school library? Making visible the physical and virtual spaces where young people frequently go to read for pleasure


  • Daniela Souto Godoy Universidad del Bio-Bío


Reading for pleasure is not a priority in high school, a place where the instrumentalization of books is privileged over the development of a literary taste. On the other hand, the informational circumstances of the contemporary world propitiate the exodus of young people towards unknown reading spaces which are often out of reach for adults. Thanks to the knowledge generated from an innovative phenomenological study, it is possible to state that the school library is disconnected from the reading experiences of young people. It is therefore necessary to reformulate these centers in accordance with the 21st century.


young readers, school librarian, leisure

Author Biography

Daniela Souto Godoy, Universidad del Bio-Bío

Licenciada en Educación, Universidad del Bío-Bío. Magíster en Bibliotecología e
Información, Universidad de Playa Ancha. Grado financiado por el Fondo Nacional de
Fomento del Libro y la Lectura 2018, Línea Formación, Folio Nº453581. Correo