«Mess up and self-rescue»: youth relationships, school strategies and deserving narratives in compulsory high school


  • Guido García Bastán Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


From an ethnographical perspective, this article covers a conflictive episode happened in a high school in Cordoba, Argentina leading up to the expulsion of a student. The characterization of this student as a “problem student” makes visible certain intragenerational and intergenerational linking dynamics revealing an obligatory nature of school where the right to education competes with an individualistic logic, in connection to certain recent research referring it as deserving logics. The exploration of linking correlations turns into a powerful analyzer of the cultural difficulties of implementing a compulsory nature in Argentina’s high school.


young people, high school, school compulsory nature

Author Biography

Guido García Bastán, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Argentino. Licenciado y Doctor en Psicología por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Becario posdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), con sede en el Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas (IIPsi CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Profesor Asistente por concurso de la cátedra «Psicología Social» de la Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. E-mail: guidogarciabastan@gmail.com