Equity and responsibility between generations: the time perspective of the social rights in the international law and italian legal system


  • Giuseppe Ludovico Universidad de Milán


Most economically developed countries are committed to addressing the common challenge of the effects of population aging on the financial balance of social security. The favorable conditions hitherto guaranteed by social security systems have often become unsustainable especially in Italy, thus affecting the ability of future generations to enjoy the same level of social protection. There is thus a problem of equity between generations in the enjoyment of fundamental social rights which, as such, must be indelibly guaranteed to any generation. However, there is no lack of conditions in the Italian legal system, as well as in the international and constitutional sources, to conceive a true relationship of responsibility and solidarity between generations in guaranteeing fundamental social rights.


Social Security; Social Rights; Intergeneracional Responsability.

Author Biography

Giuseppe Ludovico, Universidad de Milán

Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social del pre y posgrado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Milán y Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo del posgrado en la Facultad de Medicina y Cirugía de la Universidad de Milán; Doctorado en Derecho del Trabajo por la Universidad de Bologna; Posgrado en Especialización en Derecho de Trabajo por la Universidad de Parma; Miembro de la Asociación Italiana del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social.