Protective devices against sexual harrassment in the workplace


  • Mariela Lucía Fernández Universidad de Buenos Aires


This paper analyses the recognition of sexual harassment in the workplace as an act that attacks the dignity of the worker, violating its fundamental rights. It inquires on the obligations of the employer and the State itself in the face of this problem, emphasizing the rules set by international organizations as they were incorporated to Chilean legislation. Finally, it examines a judicial action as an expeditious way for the sexual harrassment victim to obtain justice and the jurisprudential analysis about this issue


sexual harrassment, fundamental rights, discrimination, prevention, judicial action, torts compensation

Author Biography

Mariela Lucía Fernández, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Abogada, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Diplomada en Derecho del Trabajo con mención en Derecho Colectivo y Negociación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Alumna de la Maestría en Derecho del Trabajo, Universidad de Buenos Aires.