The New Code of Civil Procedure and the Work Process: for a few of methodology in Brazil


  • Denise Pires Fincato Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio Grande del Sur – Brasil


The article proposes a study on the application of the rules of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) of 2015 to the Work Process. It analyzes its encyclopedic position and the bases of its scientific autonomy, starting from such premises to find out the possibility and extension of the normative, subsidiary and / or supplementary complement. It starts with the peaceful logic up to 2015 that Article 769 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) governs the systematic, confronting it with the recent article 15 of the CPC and the provisions of Normative Instruction No. 39 of the Superior Labor Court - TST. It concludes with the absence of antinomies between the CLT and the CPC, confirms the strength of the consolidated article, points to the dispensability and impertinence of Normative Instruction No. 39 and leads to the need for scientific reasoning and methodologically guided legal operation as a way of maintaining logical, simplified and social distorting legal systems


Code of Civil Procedure, Work Process, Methodology.

Author Biography

Denise Pires Fincato, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio Grande del Sur – Brasil

Postdoctora en Derecho Laboral por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2017). Doctora por la Universidad de Burgos (2001). Profesora e Investigadora en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio Grande del Sur – Brasil (1997- ). Abogada laboralista, socia de Souto Correa, Cesa, Lummertz & Amaral Abogados en Brasil.