Legal culture of the judges and prosecutors of the Supreme Court of Chile in the nineteenth century (1823-1900): Studies and degrees


  • Roberto Cerón Reyes Universidad de Chile


The story of the Chilean Judicature, spanning just over four centuries, has been widely studied by historians and public law specialist as well. But often it has been  examined from a narrow perspective, dividing it into periods which not allow to fully  appreciate certain fundamental points, such as the institutional continuity between the Real Audiencia and the Corte de Apelaciones of Santiago, the lawyer culture, or  the role played by judges and prosecutors of the Supreme Court to form the core leadership of the country in the nineteenth century. Regarding the latter, the volume of available literature is large in number and in information provided which, sorted and fi led by prosopographies allows not only complement existing studies on the Judicature but also open new lines of research. In this paper a point of capital importance will be exposed, regarding the lives of the jusges and prosecutors of the Supreme Court in the XIX century: their university studies.


Judicature, Supreme Court, judges, prosecutors, university formation