O carácter prismátio do oficio de julgar no Brasil do antigo regime


  • Arno Wehling Professor titular de história do direito da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) e da Universidade Gama Filho
  • María José Wehling Proffesora Emérita de teoria e metodologia da história da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) e titular de história do direito da Universidade Gama Filho


The present investigation proposes an analysis of the duty of judging in the luso-brazilian Ancient Regime. Because of the tripartite division of the functions of the State does not exist, the extra-judicial attributions de jure and de facto of the judges are studied, and, in a contrary sense, the judicial attributions of other office holders in the administration. It has been postulated, as a hypothesis, the "prismatic" character of such activities, chronologically, alongside with the introduction, in the XVIII century of "modem" or burocratic elements in the traditional structure, and also in a transversal way, as it happens with the reciprocal superposition of magistrates and other officials.    


attributions - administration - magistrates - offices