The future of habitat: rethinking habitability from sustainability. The Spanish case


  • Joaquim Arcas-Abella Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Anna Pagès-Ramon Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Marina Casals-Tres Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


The ability of our societies to reach and maintain housing conditions consistent with the right to decent habitat is inevitably related to the integration of the sustainability challenge into the mechanisms for housing, neighborhood and city generation, since it directly depends on both available resources and the production of waste.
Based on this relation, the sustainable building concept is thoroughly explained through the transposition of the sustainable development de? nition proposed by the Bruntland report, which allows the linkage of human needs satisfaction with the use of resources. In this way, sustainable housing should address the last phase of material cycles in order to reach its main goal: provide habitability.
Under this perspective, this paper analyzes the current concept of habitability in relation to the environmental impact and discusses the importance of rede? ning it as a social demand for the precise conditions to meet socially recognized needs. This new conception of habitability transcends the domestic domain to reach out urban spheres, thus generating variables to satisfy today’s social demands.

Author Biographies

Joaquim Arcas-Abella, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Academic Researcher. Architecture, Energy and Environment (AIEM), Polytechnic University of Catalonia – Barcelona Tech (UPC).

Anna Pagès-Ramon, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Academic Researcher. Architecture, Energy and Environment (AIEM), Polytechnic University of Catalonia – Barcelona Tech (UPC)

Marina Casals-Tres, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Academic Researcher. Architecture, Energy and Environment (AIEM), Polytechnic University of Catalonia – Barcelona Tech (UPC).