Living (in) the house. Changes in the transforming standards and values in the constructed surroundings


  • Jorge Di Paula Universidad de la República


The house is inhabited by the people, but also the house lives in the people, comprise of its identity, is not single the scene where their lives pass, but that are assumed like their own extended body. Too much time the body neglected and the physical space that lodges it, as if what mattered, because determining and they are not determined, were the historical structures (diachronic) and social (synchronous) and not the geographic structures (space) and the identitarias forms (individual). The article tries to revalue these last structures like conditioners, without unknown the traditional ones, in the definition of the partner-physical object to which we called urban house. Although the subject is dealt with amplitude, some points talk about more specifically to the popular house and investigations made by the author in the University of the Republica of Uruguay.

Author Biography

Jorge Di Paula, Universidad de la República

Arquitecto uruguayo. Ex Director y actual investigador de la Unidad de Vivienda de la Fac. de Arquitectura, UdelaR, Uruguay; investigador del CIEDUR.